Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
October 31st, 2006 at 4:34 am
Posted by Jess in General

Well, Halloween has come and gone, and in Madison that usually means two things: riots and a party thrown by the two of us. Luckly, there weren’t any riots but there was a party! We had a few friends come into town and a few friends from town join us at our place for drinks and games. Then we went out to one of our favorite places, the Claddagh Irish Pub, to show off our costumes. A good time was had by all and costume of the night goes to our friend (and wedding photographer) Matt. He already looked like the Big JC without the robe and crown, but with those two things, it was scary.

The Last SupperJess (butterfly) and Mel (Geisha)Jeremy (Rocky Horror's Eddie), Boone (Ninja), Matt (Jesus, duh)

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