Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
September 1st, 2006 at 4:06 am
Posted by Boone in General

Copper Harbor Michigan with Mom & DadBoone here. After taking Friday off last week, my parents and I packed up and drove up to the Upper Penninsula of Michigan. We had a great time. (Jess would have liked to come, but she had publishing to finish at work.) Our road trip led us to the upper-most northern point of Michigan, the Kewenaw Peninsula. We even visited the Calumet Air Force Base where my dad was stationed when he was in the Air Force. The long drive also gave us a chance to check out the fall colors and as it turned out, the UP’s color change was in its prime.

The Scenery up there was awesome and, as usual, Lake Superior was…Superior. Even though we didn’t do any swimming, my dad and I had fun playing on the strange shore rocks.

A few souviners and 2 states later we were ready to head home. It was a great mini vacation and some quality time with my parents.

Jacob's Falls  Curvy Road in the Michigan UP  Lake Superior Shore

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August 19th, 2006 at 11:41 pm
Posted by Boone in General

Yamaha XJ550 Maxim SideYamaha XJ550 Maxim Right SideBoo Mimes, Hooray Pictures!

Boone here. I finally took some pictures of my Yamaha XJ550 Maxim motorcycle that I recently purchased. The lighting in these photos is not the best, but it is a garage. What did you expect? If you read my first motorcycle diaries post, my second trip was much much smoother. I felt comfortable on the bike, turning was a breeze, and everything was going quite swimmingly. That is, until I ran out of gas and had to push my bike home….uphill. I don’t want to talk about it.

Stay tuned for more motorcycle tales.

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August 14th, 2006 at 9:07 pm
Posted by Boone in General

The Global TravelerFarmers Market

Madison, Wisconsin now has a “Cow Parade” going on throughout the city. There are 101 different cow sculptures uniquely painted by local artists. The majority of the artwork relates to Wisconsin, cows/farming, or Madison specifically. Some artists even manage to tie in all three themes. Jess and I went around this past weekend and had our picture taken with ALL of them. Yes, All of them. Actually, thats not true. We did miss 8 of the cows. 3 are touring Wisconsin and are not yet in Madison, and 5 were “out to pasture” for repair. We will post more pictures of our Cow Excursion, but for now, here are two of our favorites. We hope you enjoy.

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August 11th, 2006 at 3:52 am
Posted by Boone in General

Yes, Yes. I just bought a new motorcycle. Well, its not new. Its actually a 1982 Yamaha XJ550 Maxim. I bought it from a friend I work with at Netconcepts. The bike is black on black and is in great shape. It needs a few newer parts but its almost as old as I am, what would you expect. It is Motorcycle, not a Crotch Rocket (sorry Anish). I have not taken any photos of it yet, but here is a picture I found online if you are curious to check it out. I will be sure to post pictures once I have taken them. I drove it for the first time last week. Who ever said “Its like riding a bike” has never ridden a motorcycle for the first time. Do you remember the scene in the “Italian Job” where Seth Green rolls up on that yellow bike of his….yeah, it was a lot like that. Me and my bad self toured the suburbs and tried not to fall over.

I will more than likely take it out again this weekend and I am certain that it will go smother this time. Heck, you know what they say…”Its like riding a bike.”

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August 10th, 2006 at 8:32 pm
Posted by Boone in General

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August 10th, 2006 at 2:41 am
Posted by Boone in General

Boone here. Jess and I have new features for our blog. Last night late, I added the “WoogleCal” plugin. “WoogleCal” allows you to automatically post your Google Calendar events to your blog. Be sure to check in with our Calendar page to see what Jess and I are up to now.

I also added the “Countdown” plugin. Please focus your attention on the lower right corner of this page. You will notice the “Important Dates” section to our sidebar. This is the countdown to, you guessed it, our wedding.

Stay tuned for more features, updates, and wedding information

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August 8th, 2006 at 5:00 pm
Posted by Boone in General

Thanks for visiting our site. BooneandJessinMadison.com is focused around the lives of Boone Sesvold and Jessica Julson. We will keep this site updated with the latest and greatest information about, well…Us. This includes up to date wedding information as well as our excursions around the great city of Madison.

Thanks again for visiting. We will post again soon.

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