Buying (and living in) a condo is a lot like swimming in a Lake Martha. Sure, its inviting, the scenery great, and the adventure to arrive there exciting. But after you have taken the plunge and swam around for a while you find your stuck with little “attachments” not seen from the waters edge.
One of theses little nuances is “Condo Grilling” or “BBQing.” We received a fantastic grill as a housewarming gift (thanks Dave!). This stainless steel beast has all the bells and whistles, 4 burner, separate round side burner, cast-iron grates, and much more.
Come to find out, we can not store or use our new grill on our nice wood deck.
Fine. We moved the grill to the garage, only to find out that we can not have the grill’s 20 lbs LP tank in our “dwelling.” The City of Madison considers it a fire hazard. Each “family” in the multi-family dwelling (condo/town-home) residence is only allowed to store a 1 lb tank.
Moral of the story…For those of you in a similar situation, buy the SteakSaver by Mr. Heater.
This handy little item converts the normal 20 lb LP tank connection to a 1 lb LP tank connection. The Steak Saver costs about $24 from True Value and is super slick to both install and use. (It also sells online through Amazon and Northern Tool)
If you live in a multi-family dwelling condo or town-home in the City of Madison we highly recommend this item.