This weekend we snagged the old roomies (Jon and Mel) and headed a few miles down the road to this great little Norwegian Apple Garden, appropriately named Eplegaarden. (Located at 2227 Fitchburg Road in Fitchburg, WI)
We spent most of the afternoon wondering the orchard, eating an apple here or there, and looking for the perfect apples to take home. We selv plukkin and wound up splitting a 10lb “Uff Da-full” bag of assorted Cortland, Red Delicious, Jonee, and Golden Delicious apples.
Additionally, we all purchased some wonderful apple cider. Which we drank later that night with a hearty cinnamon stick. If that doesn’t say FALL, I don’t know what does.
Besides making a great centerpiece on our dinning room table and assorted lunchtime snacks. I believe there will be Apple muffins in our near future. Mmmmmm. Mmmmmm.
Here is a link to the latest happenings and events at Eplegarrden.