One of my good friends, Hershel Reese, is a fantastic yoga instructor here in Madison.
He will be debuting a new yoga class starting January 8th at the Perfect Knot. He is teaching 28 classes, Tuesday & Thursday mornings from 6:00am – 7:15am.
The Perfect Knot is located South off Willy Street on Few Street. It is a great studio! See Hershel’s Kundalini Yoga Blog for more details.
His class is starting from the basics so you don’t have to be an expert in yoga. In fact, Kundalini Yoga is much more meditative/spiritual in nature & incorporates various poses/motions/breathing techniques to achieve a meditative/relaxed state of mind. It is not a traditional Hatha Yoga class, although some of the same poses are sometimes used. It is for all levels, and all people.
Please feel free to pass this Spirits Awaken Madison Yoga Class Flyer to anyone you think may be interested!