Boone here. The past weekend, Jess, Jon, Mel, and I went and purchased our annual Christmas tree. This year we decided not to make our evergreen holiday purchase from a Wal Mart parking lot and make a day of it elsewhere. We drove down the road to Cedar Creek Tree Farm in Verona, WI. This place is a great family owned business with friendly staff, good prices, and nice trees. (Highly Recemended)
The four of us took our (provided) plastic sled and saw and ventured through the 5 achres of trees. With our vast tree knowledge we setteled on a green one and like a more impressive Paul Bunyan, we went to work.
It was a gorgeous sunny day (hardly needing a coat) and it was easy to drag, size, and purchase our tree. The hardest part was trying to decide the best way to load the tree into Mel’s new Ford Fusion.
Our tree made it safely home and now sits like a maceys window display next to our fireplace.