Our Adventures in Madison Wisconsin
April 6th, 2009 at 10:18 pm
Posted by Jess in Condo Stuff,General

It’s been a long time since we posted anything. I guess we talk enough with our friends and family that they know what’s up, and I don’t know if this isn’t read much by anyone. But, we’ll try to do better this year, starting off with a quick catch up:

We are both still employed at the same places, which is awesome for today’s economy. Boone went through a round or two of layoffs, but is still there and in a little bit of a different position. He enjoys it most days though. He is also working on a few side projects for some extra money and experience in web design, which is really cool. It’s a difficult balance of work and play for both of us right now, and work seems to be in the lead.

We only have two weddings this summer, and they are both fairly early. Don’t get me wrong – I love weddings, but they just take a lot of time, energy, and money. After that, we are off to San Fran and Napa with a group of friends to enjoy the city, the wine, and the weather. I think we’d like to do another trip this year, but we don’t know if the budget will allow for it. Until then, trips up north to Osseo and downtown to the Farmer’s Market will have to do.

We are still in our condo on the West side of Madison. We had thought about selling this spring, but with the market the way it is, we aren’t sure we’ll get what we need for a down payment on a house. So, we’ll tough it out for another year. It might allow us to do some of that traveling we want, and additional condo projects and plans. Stay tuned for updates.