Madelyn is almost two months! She’s got adorable chubby cheeks and chubby legs which makes it hard to believe we had trouble breastfeeding the first two weeks. Our measurements at home show she is about 24 inches long and weighs about 13 pounds. Her newborn clothes are too small and the 3 month clothes mostly fit. Our favorite time of the day is when she wakes up. She is super smiley and wiggly, and makes lots of fun noises such as clicks and ahs. Madelyn has a very sweet personality, no attitude at all, and enjoys being around people. Our only struggles so far are she doesn’t like to nap during the day unless it’s on Mommy or Daddy, and she get’s cranky when she gets sleep. But I’ll take it.
I only have four weeks left of maternity leave. It’s hard to believe I go back to work already. We met with our daycare center last week and we are really happy with them, but I have mixed feelings about going back to work. I really like my job and I think I’m good at it, plus I’m excited to have adult conversations again and me working is better for us financially. However, it’s hard to think of someone else spending so much time with Madelyn and I’m afraid of what we’ll miss out on. Plus, I have this unrealistic fear of her forgetting that we are Mommy and Daddy. Luckily, our daycare center is understanding and since it’s so close to my office, I can stop by over lunch if I want. I’m sure I will the first week or two. 🙂