Boone and I got a nice treat this weekend- a getaway! Boone was in Chicago for a conference all week, and I decided to drive down and join him for the weekend. We stayed in a beautiful place near Wrigley field and had a great dinner at a tiny French restaurant known only to a few locals. Saturday, we bundled up and took the ‘L’ downtown to the Art Museum, which we browsed around in until lunch time. My favorite exhibit was a photography collection on adolescence, specifically girls. It was amazing to see how the photographers took such an awkward phase in life and turned it into art! After that, we walked to Millennium Park and Michigan Avenue, which was packed with holiday shoppers. We had lunch and decided that we should walk back to our place, so we could enjoy the city from foot. It took us a long time, but it was worth it to check out the city, and a few stops for food and coffee helped the time pass.
We left early on Sunday so we could get ready for next week and do some Christmas decorating around the condo and cut our yearly Christmas tree with Jon an Mel. I’m generally not a “city” fan, but it was really neat and I think we’ll have to make weekend trips down there more often.